Online Appointment – Respect your loyal customers’ time
This is a web application dedicated to medical offices, clinics or hospitals and it can be used to set appointments online.

- It can be integrated with the ERP software.
- Appointments can be set at any time of day.
- Keeps a patient history.
- Transparency and quick system access.
- Modularity, scalability and advanced adaptability.
- Multiple presentation interfaces.
- Language selection option.
- On time reports on the results of investigations.
- Promoting of new services.
- Gathering of loyalty points and discounts for every patient account.
- Numerous reports by multiple criteria: periodical examination chart, doctor activity reports, department activity reports etc.
- Appointments can be set from anywhere, at any time, if there is an internet connection.
- Reduced internal costs.
- Complete management of electronic medical records for every patient.
- Differentiated access rights depending on the user type (internal: doctors, assistants or external: patients, relatives etc).
- The patient can view a doctor’s entire schedule and suggest an appointment accordingly.
- Optimal management of appointments, examinations and removal of downtimes.
- Advanced alert system for the confirmation or cancelling of appointments, using e-mail or SMS to send notifications about any modifications or details regarding the appointment.
- The application will be extended to include the Patient History Module and the Medicine with side effects Module.