Cash Register Software

Real-time decisions regarding the supply state, income and sales
The Web POS is the most advanced business management system, it's main advantage being the ability to record and manage sales from one or more territorial distributed stores.
Specialized instruments for cashless transactions. Increase control over your activities.
A compatible software with the majority of cash registries POS: Datecs, Epson, Sapel, Partner, etc.
The POS software solution has known it's fulminate ascension almost 10 years ago when it was first developed.
GREEN POS ended up being a established product in IT&C domain.
It allows the processing and recording of transactions between the company and its customers at the time of purchase of the goods / services.
Supports the activity of any company through minimal administration costs.
- The app runs on any operating system with a web browser.
- Natively integrated with the Socrate+ ERP.
- You can work in real-time on the main server, without the need of a back office computer in the store.
- Eliminates the tax receipt delays from the registers.
- Price control.
- Customizable price policy (discounts applied to products or to categories of product / client / promotional packages).
- Removal of faulty stocks management.
- Scalable architecture.
- Enhanced control over activities thanks to the flexible platform that determines the fast growth of the business.
- The software is compatible with most registers available on the market: Datecs, Sapel, Epson and Partner.
- Reduces operational costs.
- Absolute control over network stock availability and correct data transmission between workstations.
- Easy and fast usage, thanks to instruments dedicated to selling in stores: touch-screen interface, multiple paying options, loyalty programs, scaling equipment integration, inventorying with mobile barcode readers, wireless etc.
- Removes routine operations, sending the tax receipts to the main server, thus completing the day closing.
- Increases sales.
- Easily increase the number of workstations.
- Minimal administration costs.
- Marketing advantages are acquired through the Green Fidelity Module, a loyalty program that allows the buildup of value points and the granting of customized discounts for every client.
- The app can also be integrated with the Retail GSM Subscription Module.