Simple and profitable solutions for an Online Shop

Online Shop - Sell faster and more profitable
Green Shop ensures a better organizing of online stores, allowing entrepreneurs to maintain their business with minimal investments and effort. This way, you have a store open around the clock that can simultaneously receive an unlimited number of guests and customers.
There are countless benefits an Online Shop will bring you:
- Minimized operational costs;
- Higher potential customers;
- Independence over stocks;
- The possibility to promote your online business using SEO Optimization strategies.
The best part is that you do not need more investments, time or technical knowledge.
The important thing is to know where to start your research in order to reach the ideal final product.
This way, you can enjoy an online stop, opened 24/7, that can receive unlimited visitors and clients, at the same time.
Besides the e-commerce platforms integration, Green Shop allows you to add customized modules, meant to facilitate the entire shop's management process.
Dedicated portals such as B2B, B2C si B2B2C bring you advantages through the multitude of details that can be available to customers, in an interactive way.
Managing e-commerce platforms (and online shops) will easily flow, while your profit will grow.
And because first impression always matters, our web designers are at your disposal when choosing an original theme for your website and personalized solutions that will reflect your vision.
For a fast implementation of any e-commerce platforms, we recommend Green Shop solution together with Web Development services.

- Building a virtual store is the least expensive method of promoting.
- With a global customer reach, physical distance becomes irrelevant.
- A complex and easily customizable website.
- Displays an overall view of the entire activity, for managers.
- Easy template customization from the settings menu.
- Unique and attractive design.
- Allows the creation of special product categories, discount categories and promotions.
- A client account is created, in which the favorite product list can be saved, bonuses can be granted and the order log can be viewed.
- Allows guests to recommend a product or a promotion to a friend.
- Within the website’s admin panel, settings are customizable depending on formed groups and user rights.
- Manageable promotional banners.
- The store also contains a glossary of technical terms.
- SEO Optimization processes (Search Engine Optimization) that help search engines to find your site faster.
- Allows clients to find and sort an unlimited amount of products.
- Provides real-time information on stocks, offers, promotions etc.
- Adding products to the “basket” displays the price total.
- Product pages are customizable and allow product comparison and search. Clients can also view a product’s features, sort products by manufacturer and receive suggestions of other products with similar prices.
- The website keeps statistics on the popularity of various products and the number of views each one gets. This is can be accessed at any time by the administrator.
- Integration for most companies that provide maximum security online payment solutions.
- Sorting filters by certain criteria.
- Clients can always contact a Sales Advisor for details and complex problems.
- The app can be integrated with various back office solutions, such as the ERP provided by GreenSoft.